Mzumbe University Bachelor Courses.

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Mzumbe University is a well-known public university located in Tanzania, East Africa.

It is renowned for its emphasis on training and research in the fields of business, public administration, law, economics, and other related disciplines.

It was originally established as the Institute of Development Management (IDM) in 1972 through a collaborative effort by the governments of Tanzania and Sweden. It primarily focused on providing training and consultancy services in management and development-related fields. In 2001, IDM transitioned into a fully-fledged public university and was renamed Mzumbe University.

It has multiple campuses, with the main campus situated in Morogoro Region, Tanzania. There are also other campuses in different locations, such as Dar es Salaam and Mbeya.

Below is a list of bachelor courses offered at Mzumbe University.

1) Bachelor’s Degree Programmes At The Main Campus In Morogoro (MU).

  • Bachelor of Accounting and Finance in Public Sector (BAF-PS)
  • Bachelor of Accounting and Finance in Business Sector (BAF-BS)
  • Bachelor of Laws (LL.B)
  • Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management (BBAIEM)
  • Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management (BPSCM)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing Management (BBAMKT)
  • Bachelor of Health Systems Management (BHSM)
  • Bachelor Human Resource Management (BHRM)
  • Bachelor of Public Administration in Local Government Management (BPALGM)
  • Bachelor of Science in Production and Operations Management (BSc.POM)
  • Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics (BSc.AS)
  • Bachelor of Science in EconomicsPopulation and Development (BSc.ECO-P&D)
  • Bachelor of Science in EconomicsProject Planning and Management (BSc.ECO-PPM)
  • Bachelor of Science in Economics – Economic Policy and Planning (BSc.ECO-EPP)
  • Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication Technology with Management (BSc.ICT-M)
  • Bachelor of Public Administration in Records and Archives Management (BPARAM)
  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Systems (BSc. ITS)
  • Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication Technology with Business (BSc.ICTB)
  • Bachelor of Science in Library and Information Management (BSc.LIM)
  • Bachelor of Science with EducationMathematics and ICT (MICT-EDU)
  • Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering Management (BSc.IEM)
  • Bachelor of Arts with Education (Economics and Mathematics)-BAED-EM
  • Bachelor of Arts with Education (Economics and Commerce)-BAEDEC
  • Bachelor of Arts with Education (Accountancy and Mathematics)-BAED-AM
  • Bachelor of Arts with Education (Commerce and Accountancy)-BAED-CA
  • Bachelor of Arts with Education (English and Kiswahili)-BAED-EK

2) Bachelor’s Degree Programmes At Mbeya Campus College (MCC).

  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing Management (BBA- MKT)
  • Bachelor of Accounting in Business Sector (BAF-BS)
  • Bachelor of Human Resource Management (BHRM)

3) Bachelor’s Degree Programmes At Dar Es Salaam Campus College (DCC).

  • Bachelor of Accounting in Business Sector (BAF-BS)
  • Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA)

Related: Mzumbe University Courses.


Please note that the availability of specific bachelor courses may change, and Mzumbe university may offer additional bachelor courses or make modifications to existing ones.

It’s advisable to visit the official Mzumbe university website or contact the university directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information on their bachelor courses offering and admission requirements.

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