How To Deal With Exam Stress As A College Student.

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Friends, parties and fun & games – that’s all college is about, right? Well, almost. 

Just add sleep deprivation, nail-biting and anxiety to the list, and that’s pretty much an accurate snapshot of the whole college experience.

 When the campus is quiet, and the library is suddenly the most crowded building, that’s when you know exam season is near. 

Exam Stress

For many students, the stress of exams can be too much to handle and if you’re feeling the pressure, here are some tips on how to deal with exam stress. 

What Are The Reasons For Stress During Exams?

So why do we get stressed during exam season? The simple answer is – pressure. Whether it’s from within or from the outside, the pressure we feel to do well and get good grades is often why students are so stressed out during exam season and end up looking for ways how to manage exam stress. 

If you want to know how to cope with exam stress, the first step is understanding where it comes from. 

1) Internal Factors.

To effectively cope with exam stress, it’s essential to recognise and address these internal factors. Maybe you’ve always been a straight-A student, or maybe you really want to impress your professors because they’ve been amazing all year round. Whatever the reason, you may feel a need to excel, which amps up the pressure you’re feeling to do well. 

2) External Factors.

Coping with exam stress becomes imperative as you strive to meet not only your expectations but also those of others. Parents, grad schools, teachers and employers – who aren’t keeping an eye on your grades? 

Frankly, it’s a surprise that dating apps haven’t started asking for your GPA. With all these eyes on you and your grades, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the stress of living up to everyone’s expectations. 

What Does Stress Look Like In Students?

While it’s essential to consult professionals for a conclusive diagnosis, recognising warning signs is a proactive step in coping with exam stress. 

With most of us feeling the pressure 24×7, sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between a little nervousness and serious anxiety. We’ll leave the final diagnosis to the psychiatrists, but here’s some warning signs to look out for:

  • Reducing contact with friends and family
  • Increase in mood swings 
  • Stomach aches & headaches
  • Seeking solace in drugs & alcohol
  • Insomnia 
  • Nail biting 

How To Reduce Their Chances:

So far the best and the surest way to reduce your chances of falling into these stress symptoms and coping mechanisms is to practice self-induced calm. And how do you manage exam stress? By practising deep breathing. We’ve outlined a simple technique you can use to do so.

  • Inhale as deeply (Only through your nostrils).
  • Fill your lungs with air and hold your breath.
  • Now, slowly exhale the air through your mouth.
  • Repeat this for some time until you feel calm.
  • Practice this daily to experience maximum results.

Tips On How To Handle Exam Stress:

In recent years, there has been a steady increase in the number of students experiencing many mental health issues due to stress. 

Student education is definitely important, but it isn’t worth losing your sanity. But how do you stay calm in the face of constant assessment? Here are 7 helpful tips that tell you exactly how to deal with exam stress. 

1) Revise Your Content Well.

The best and most obvious way to effectively deal with your exam stress is to study. The thought of sitting down and studying can send many into a downward spiral, which is why we all eventually resort to – you guessed it – procrastination.

But the best way to get over the impending doom that comes with studying is just to sit down and do it. Once you begin, you realise it’s really not that bad, aiding your future job opportunities.

How Does Revision Reduce Examination Stress?

The main reason exams stress us out is because we’re scared we won’t do well. You’ll notice that you’re much less anxious if you’re well-prepared and familiar with everything you need to know before you begin your exam. 

You should also always ask for help whenever you need it, whether it’s from your peers, your professors or even your family if you think they can help you study better and help you better understand how to deal with exam stress. 

2) Practice Better Time Management. 

Leaving things down to the eleventh hour will not help your stress levels. You’re not writing a script for the next James Bond movie; you don’t need to cut things so close if you’re looking for tips on how to deal with exam stress. 

One of the most important is learning how to manage your time so you feel in control and at ease. The best way to achieve this is by sticking to a schedule. 

Create A Revision Timetable.

The best way to cope with exam stress is to get yourself to start studying without spending too much time overthinking, set a timetable and make sure you stay on track with your studies. You can also set small goals and reward yourself to stay motivated. Watch 20 minutes of your favourite show for every new chapter you finish studying.

3) Stay Away From All Distractions.

Social media is probably the biggest distraction for college students. The best way to waste time – just keep scrolling! While it can be fun, social media is often very detrimental during your exams. 

You may roll your eyes when you see a classmate’s “taking a break from social media” post, but that right there is someone who knows how to deal with exam stress well. Constantly seeing people post about their lives and achievements can also send you spinning towards an existential, which is something you certainly don’t need with exams around the corner. 

Benefits Of Taking A Break From Social Media.

Once you take a break, you‘ll find that you have so much more time on your hands that you can use to increase your productivity and efficiency. Consider this break as a strategic approach to cope with exam stress. 

You can also spend time picking up new hobbies or reading up on the news, which will help enrich your overall learning experience. Taking a break from social media will also free up some time for you to invest in our next tip.

4) Find Time To Exercise Daily.

Exercise is one of the quickest ways for you to cope with exam stress when you’re feeling anxious. If you start your day with even just 20 minutes of a good workout, you will see a noticeable increase in your energy levels throughout the day. 

This is the healthiest method for anyone wondering how to deal with exam stress. Biologically speaking, exercise is an instant mood lifter, a crucial aspect of coping with exam stress. 

When you exercise, your brain is filled with a rush of endorphins chemically proven to make a person feel happier by counteracting the effects of stress-releasing hormones. Science aside, exercising is also a great way to take your mind off studying for a bit, providing a practical strategy on how to deal with exam stress. Here are some quick workouts you can do in your room: 

  • Push-ups
  • Jumping jacks
  • Lunges
  • Plank
  • Sit-ups
  • Squats
  • Burpees
  • Leg raises

‍5) Make Sure To Sleep On Time.

If you’re tired and cranky all the time and want to know how to deal with exam stress, you may want to fix your sleeping habits. 

Exam time often means all-nighters for students, but this can have adverse effects on student well-being. The importance of sleep shouldn’t be lost on students, and a lack of sleep often leads to a drop in your productivity levels and can make you unhappy. 

After you wake up from a good night’s sleep, you’ll find that you have much more energy throughout your day. Staying awake throughout the day allows you to work in sunlight, which has many health benefits for your physical health. 

The night before your exam, make sure you’re well-rested and fresh to sit for your test. How to Sleep When Stressed? If you’re having trouble trying to fall asleep, try out some of these methods:

  • Turn off your screens before sleeping
  • Play white noise in the background
  • Keep your student accommodation cool
  • Make your student accommodation as dark as possible
  • Practice meditation

6) Practice Self-Care.

If you hopped onto the internet and typed in “how to handle exam stress,” I think it’s fair to assume you’re in need of some serious self-care. Self-care is a great way for you to let go of some of the anxiousness that you feel while preparing for your exams. Self-care means different things to different people, and the main goal is just to find something that brings you some inner peace and a little joy and helps improve your mental health.

Self-Care Tips For Students.
There are a lot of ways you can practise some self-care as a student. If none of these seems to your liking, take a beat and think about what self-care means to you. Here are some ways you can practice self-care as a student:

  • Invest time in a good skincare routine
  • Take up a new hobby
  • Buy a nice meal for yourself
  • Watch a nice movie
  • Spend time with your friends 
  • Change your lifestyle

7) Take It Easy.

The most important thing to remember is to take it easy. Coping with exam stress involves maintaining a perspective that goes beyond the immediate pressures.

Like we said at the start, exams are important, but they’re not the end of the world. Your grades don’t define you, and although it may seem like the biggest hurdle for you right now, don’t forget that they’re just a part of your journey and not your final destination.

However, if you’re still finding the answer to how to deal with exam stress, recognise that there is help available for you, always. And you should never think that seeking help is something defeating in nature. In fact it’s just the opposite; it is a testament to your open nature and willingness to find the best version of yourself and cope with exam stress effectively.

Entities That Offer Help:

So, these groups, whether a group or an individual are there to help you find the most suitable way you can cope with exam stress and overcome it once and for all. But you must also remember that the job of uplifting yourself is solely your own.

  • College Counseling Services
  • Peer Support
  • Online Communities
  • Family Support
  • Romantic Partner
  • Legitimate Spiritual Leaders

Related: 10 Effective Stress Relief Techniques For Students.


Exam season is tough on a lot of us, but we hope you now have a better idea of how to cope with exam stress. As you slowly start coping with exam stress, you will also see a drastic change in your grades, and this will also help you in getting a first-class degree. Doing badly on one exam is not the end of the world, so try not to put too much pressure on yourself. We hope you found this article helpful and wish you all the best with your exams. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) How should students learn to cope with exam stress?

If you’re looking for some of the most effective ways on how to deal with exam stress, you should try out things like meditation, exercising regularly, sticking to a sleep schedule and taking periodic breaks while studying.

2) Why do people get stressed during exams?

Stress during exam season is most commonly associated with a fear of failure or a feeling of pressure to perform well.

3) How can you enjoy taking exams?

Perhaps the most effective tip on how to deal with exam stress is to try to find ways to make the process of studying more enjoyable. You could do this by having a study buddy, creating a cosy study room for yourself or coming up with engaging study methods like practice quizzes and tests.

4) How to increase focus while studying?

The best way to cope with exam stress and increase focus while studying is to set small study goals for yourself so you can ensure that every time you take in any information, you will not need to revisit it.

5) What is the best time to study?

While students often study through the night, the best time to study is a few hours after you wake up, so your body is well rested and ready to take on new information.

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